“Amazing ~ nurturing and fun ~ inclusive ~ specific ~ safe, supportive, and empowering environment ~ helped me rekindle my writing ~ gave me new confidence ~ dynamic, rigorous, and caring ~ I don’t think you could ask for more.” (See more student voices here.)
Currently Open for Enrollment
The Creative Art of Proposals: How to Write Kick-Ass Language That Gets Your Work Funded, Published, and All Loved Up. Join 100+ artists and writers who are writing successful proposals right now. Self-paced, so you can start now and finish in 21 days.
Writing from the Chakras — a powerful, body-based e-course to jumpstart your writing and tap the seven powerful energies that make up human experience. Self-paced, so you can sign up now and choose your own start date.
Write Like a Unicorn. Inspiring live sessions online with customized prompts to get your writing done. Join the list to find out when the next round starts!
Blueprint Your Book. A six-week intensive for developing a book structure that works. Next class: 2018. Join the list to find out when the next round starts!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Which course should I take?
If you want to generate a lot of writing quickly or need a writing boost, I strongly recommend Write Like a Unicorn or Writing from the Chakras.
If you’re working on a book and need help with structure, join us for Blueprint Your Book.
To work with the course material on a different schedule, or if you want personalized guidance and feedback on your work, please check out my Private Mentoring option.
Q. I understand that your classes are online; is there any kind of group interaction? Are there specific days/times when we must sign on?
It depends on the course; please see descriptions for details. Write Like a Unicorn has live class meetings as core content. For all of the others, there are no required times to sign on; you work at your own pace and there are no required sessions. Workshops have a weekly deadline for submitting work for feedback in an asynchronous web discussion forum, where you can log on anytime. E-courses are entirely self-paced.
Q. How does an online course work? What technology do I need?
We use a free, interactive educational tool that is similar to what many universities and continuing education programs are using these days. It’s designed for teaching, and the basic functions are simple to use. At the beginning of the course, I’ll send you a welcome document that will include technical details, login information, etc.
The tech basics you will need are:
• An email address.
• Online access 2-3 times a week.
Q. What if I miss some sessions? What if I’m going to be away part of the time?
Don’t worry. You can always catch up on the material you’ve missed. Or you can just skip them and go back later, after the class finishes.
Q. What level of anonymity and confidentiality will there be?
You’ll post your own writing and give feedback using whatever name and email address you choose. It’s absolutely fine with me if you want to use a pseudonym or create an alter ego for the purpose of a course.
Our group agreements will include not discussing or sharing anyone’s work outside the class. I take privacy very seriously, and I will always keep all elements of our coaching/teaching relationship private, including the fact that you’re studying with me.
Q. How many students do you expect or will you cap?
For most courses, there is no firm limit. I’m a softie and hate to turn away to anyone who’s ready and willing to move into this work now. If enrollment gets too big or unwieldy, I will split the class into two smaller “sections” rather than close off enrollment.
Q. I’m not so excited about learning online. Do you ever offer live courses?
Yes! I teach all over the world. Everything depends on my travel schedule and where I’m invited. Please contact me if you’d like to invite me to your school/group/community, or join my mailing list to receive information about upcoming live events.
Q. Is there any provision for people with financial hardship?
Yes. Times are tough, right? Instead of paying the full registration fee up front, I offer a payment plan for workshops in which the price is more than $200:
- 40% at the time of enrollment
- 30% at the end of week 3
- 30% at the end of week 5
Please note that when you sign up, you are committing to the whole course, so this is NOT a way to “try out” the class and hedge your bets! I trust you to honor your commitment.
You can make your payments directly via PayPal or, if you prefer, you can mail 3 checks to me, postdated, and I will cash them on the appropriate dates.
If you are a citizen of India AND you have financial hardship, you are eligible to apply for a 50% work trade discount on courses over US$200. Please email me with your request and the skills you would be able to offer.
Q. What’s your refund policy?
I really want you to be 100% sure when you sign up for a class—both because it makes administration easier for me, and because you’ll get the most out of the class when you are fully present and committed. So there are no “change of plans” refunds. I post tons of information about the courses ahead of time, and I’m always available to answer any questions or have a quick chat to help you decide during the enrollment period. I ask that you consider my teaching with the same respect that you’d give to a university or other place of learning; please don’t sign up just to “try it out” and request a refund later. Read the FAQs. Ask me questions. Be sure that your life allows for the time and energy for a course before enrolling. Remember that you can always use the materials later, so once you’ve enrolled, they are yours to keep and use forever.
On the other hand, I’m very happy to offer a “Satisfaction Guaranteed” refund. If you complete the work for the course and at the end you’re just not happy with the progress your writing has made, please let me know. You’ll receive your money back, no questions, and your feedback will be very valuable to me.
Q. I missed the class I want, or I can’t take it at that time of year. Can you offer it again at a time more convenient to me?
Darn! Sorry about that. Please feel free to let me know if there’s a particular course and time of year that would best for you.
And don’t worry: We can always work on the chakras, blueprinting your book, or anything else in private coaching sessions, at a schedule and pace that’s right for you.
Q. I have more questions about coaching, agents, all the things …
Cool! I have answers here!