Please send inquiries to minal {AT} minalhajratwala {DOT} com. If urgent, include your deadline plus daytime and evening phone numbers.
Author photos | Book cover jpgs
Pronunciation guide for broadcasters: Minal (MEE-null) Hajratwala (HUJ-rut-waah-laah)
About Bountiful Instructions for Enlightenment
To request a review copy:
415 937 1646
About Leaving India: My Family’s Journey from Five Villages to Five Continents
- Press release and one-pager [124 KB pdf]
- Author Q&A [6.4MB pdf]
- Past news clips and media coverage
- Video book trailer (includes performance and interview footage) [4 minutes 19 seconds]
To request a review copy in the United States:
Summer Smith
Trade Publicity
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
212 420 5878
To request a review copy in South Asia:
Gautam Padmanabhan
Westland / Tranquebar
About Out! Stories from the New Queer India
To request a review copy:
Shobhna S. Kumar
Queer Ink
+91 22 6514 6967